Fattening others

What do you prefer more for a personality of a man/woman you would date?

Personality in a guy?

In the past, somehow, I always ended up dating the broken, yet somehow asshole-ish guy. I saw someone who, like me, could use some fixing, and thought I’d be the one to do that.

Now, I look for kindness and caring as a standard. Someone who is aware that he needs to keep himself as the priority, but make room for me too, and is willing to share his interests and likes with me as well as let me share mine with him. Educational level not an issue, I’ve dated all across the board, but he always should want to learn and improve. I’ve got a lot of baggage, and while I’m Over most of it, some of it still hits me when I least expect, so patience is needed too. Men with a sense of wit and humor always get brownie points with me, also.

Conversational skills are nice, I hate being the one to carry the convo all the time. I don’t want controlling, but someone who is able to take charge when I’m in a codependent mood is appreciated. (Ex. When trying to figure out dinner and such) Oh! I don’t judge political affiliations, but I definitely need someone who is actively Pro-equity. I once dated someone who was anti-LGBTQIA+ and it didn’t go well.

As for looks, I’ve also dated pretty across the board. Generally, someone taller than me is preferred. Race doesn’t matter. Size-wise, I do like a bit of contrast, but it’s not a must. He needs to be able to present himself, or if he has some trouble style-wise, should be open to suggestions.

I think that covers most of it.
3 years

What do you prefer more for a personality of a man/woman you would date?

For a guy I want a goof ball, I want kind (we can roast each other but not in a malicious way), compassionate, funny, caring, assertive and dominant when need be, has to love and be kind to animals (doesn’t have to be vegan or too crazy about them, I will not a date a hunter), likes being out doors, not be judgmental (mostly bc of my mental health). Happy at any weight that I am.
3 years

What do you prefer more for a personality of a man/woman you would date?

For a woman, I definitely wouldn't mind one who also like video games and possibly anime.

As well as one who likes her body regardless of her weight, whether she's thin or fat. She'd be happy just having someone to accept her for who she is. Whether she gains or loses.

But also someone who treats me with respect, would happily cook for and hopefully with her.

Body Positivity is one of my driving forces in feederism after all.
2 months

What do you prefer more for a personality of a man/woman you would date?

A woman who's really nice and too smart for her own good. Diligent, conscientious, resourceful, organized. Loves dancing and got moves like the daughter of a retired ninja. When she sings the world is blown away by her loveliness. Basically bad-ass. A real worker when some serious shit's going down, but can be lazier than me at times, especially when the shit's over. Loves all the music and TV shows that I love, yet exposes me to far more art than I could ever dream of. A woman of words who speaks in spontaneous verse and surprises me every week. The more I get to know her the more mysterious she seems.

A woman who thought she could be perfect but was afraid of the ride because it would be too fantastical. Insane when it comes to self-control, although says that she has none. A woman with a dark past, who's suffered some serious psychological and emotional abuse, yet when psychologists did all the tests on her they found nothing wrong that they could really define. They couldn't really help her so she had to overcome her issues basically on her own and as a result became wise beyond her years, zen-like almost. A woman who's open to any religion but ends up going to a Christian church.

A woman who says she's greedy and selfish but apparently ends up being so caring and helpful to others. She used to struggle with depression, issues with self-image and not being able to be herself, but has overcome or is on the road to overcoming. An old soul, yet youthful when the time calls for it. A woman who can get around in the world without relying on LinkedIn. Old-school, yet not necessarily as old-school as me. A woman who's been misunderstood, miscategorized and overlooked in life, yet will rise up when you'd least expect it.

A woman who's health-conscious and knows how to cook yet has a weakness for fattening food. Basically slim but always on the verge of gaining weight, potentially. Not really into exercise except dancing when she feels like it. Ends up getting fat at some point, just because, but still knows she's sexy because she doesn't care what others think. Then ends up slimming back down because life happens and she had to quit indulging, for a while at least.

A woman who is upright and disciplined when she needs to be. But is comfortable being dirty every once in a while. Looks clean but likes to get down into the mud of life and dig into the mess. Real organic personality. No BS. Loyalty supreme, grounded and rooted like a tree. Could work as an undercover agent. Her potential deviousness and life experiences have essentially cut her out for it.

A woman who will duel me to the death, because we know it's just readying ourselves for what's to come. You won't even see her coming.
2 months

What do you prefer more for a personality of a man/woman you would date?

It's the same for both as far as I'm concerned. Someone who's patient, kind, and strong both emotionally and physically.
I have spent a lot of time being led on, cheated on, and just generally being disrespected. At first I wondered if I was failing to see something or I was choosing people who are attractive to me physically and not taking into account their personality but I think I see the good in people and believe if I wait long enough, the person I fell for will be back.
I've always like bigger guys and gals but I have always preferred personality over looks. Because of that, I have dated people uninterested in this fetish which I've always known I can live without for someone I love. My best friend thinks I could find just about anyone attractive if they're kind, smart, and passionate enough. I spend a lot of time studying people's eyes while talking to them because I struggle to remember faces. I can almost always recall people's eyes because eyes are some of the attractive features in my opinion.
Someone who enjoys being fat or being a feedee is a plus for me but what I listed above is far more important to me.
2 months

What do you prefer more for a personality of a man/woman you would date?

I didn't know what I wanted in a fat lover until I dated Lisa, and all became clear

Someone who's confident and proud of her huge body, and prepared to keep gaining weight. Someone who's handy (she's worked in hardware and taken up leathercrafting as a hobby.) She's not nerdy or scientific minded (never went to college) but street savvy.

We don't share many hobbies but we respect each other's interests. And we love to travel together
1 month

What do you prefer more for a personality of a man/woman you would date?

With my wife, it was a matter of finding someone who would allow her to enjoy being fat and love what her body naturally wants to be. And for me it was finding someone who accepted my genuine love for the larger female figure.

I myself got up to 210 but I’ve had to change my diet due to some hereditary heart issues. Even as we adjust our diets, we’re still staying pretty much the same basic shape anyway 😊
1 month